Parish Council

Parish Council functions under the leadership of the Senior Minister, for governance of the Parish. At Figtree, Parish Council is made up of six councillors, three wardens, and a representative from our branch church, Soldiers and Miners Memorial Church, Mt Kembla. Their main purpose is to: 

  • Generate, review, endorse and be custodians of policies
  • Ensure the well-being of the Senior Minister and ministry team (ordained and non-ordained staff)
  • Provide feedback to the Senior Minister for his evaluation against vision, goals and operational plan for the church
  • Establish sub-committees to assist Parish Council to achieve its purpose.

The wardens are also responsible for administering the financial and property affairs of the church.


Five nominators are elected each year. In the event that the Senior Minister retires his position, the role of the nominators is to source potential candidates to fill the vacancy and provide their recommendations to the Archbishop for his consideration. The Archbishop is responsible for appointing the Senior Minister to a Parish. The Parish, through the nominators, can only make recommendations.


The Synod is the annual gathering of representatives of the churches of the Diocese with the Archbishop. The Synod meets to consider matters affecting the order and good government of the Diocese. Our Parish have 2 representatives who attend and participate in Synod meetings on behalf of our Parish.

People's Wardens

Peter Jones
Chris McLean

Rector's Warden

Wayne James

Parish Councillors

Carolyn Ball
Brent Barrett
Beau Lidden
Stuart Milling
Alan Newing
Peter Richardson
Cathy Wade
Jane Whitelaw


Carolyn Ball
Rachel Deck
Karen Dixon
Wayne James
Ronald Sluyter

Synod Reps

Simone Boswell
Phillip Howes