• event
    Date: 7pm | Monday 10 March
  • credit_card
    Price: Free
  • location_on
    Location: FAC Auditorium


Our Annual General Meeting is a significant event for the church. It’s when our Senior Minister, the Wardens and Treasurer give reports and election of office bearers takes place. 

What happens at an AGM? 

Senior Minister's report 

This gives our Senior Minister an opportunity to review the past 12 months and share about the future.

Reports have also been prepared by Ministry Leaders. A copy of these reports will be available soon.

The financial reports are received 

We will hear how our financial giving is supporting our vision. Income and expenditure for the past 12 months is presented. Summary copies are available for viewing through the church office prior to the meeting. 

Elections take place 

Three (3) elections* will occur this year:

  • Church Wardens
  • Parish Councillors
  • Parish Nominators

* Nominating for a position: The person standing for the position (nominee) must sign the NOMINATION position form, accepting the nomination and agreeing with the Declaration. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the link below and are also available in the Welcome Lounge (on Sunday) or from the church office (Mon - Fri). The person nominating must be in attendance at the AGM.

Position descriptions

Having nominations for each position prior to the meeting ensures prayerful consideration is given in asking a person to stand for a position, and WWC checks can be verified for the elections.

Notice to Persons Seeking Election or Appointment

Persons who are prohibited persons under the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) are not permitted to be appointed or elected to a position of Church Warden, Parish Councillor, Nominator, Synod Representative or a member of any sub-committee of a Parish Council. To be nominated for any position, a person must have provided their Working With Children Check number for verification to the church office prior to the AGM. 


Recommendations related to the business of the church can be made by members of the church for consideration by Parish Council.